Ghostly objects, things once there, bodies in motion, the sun. Grief renewed as a constant, whirling, and inescapable worry. How does one take and transform it into something with hope? SOLARITY presents new and recent work by Fehn Foss and and sarah koekkoek in which the artists expose the human relationship to the Earth and our collective responsibility to it at a time of ecological crisis.
Exhibition curated by and text written by Na'ama Freeman. Read the full essay here.

SOLARITY installation at NAMARA Project Space (on the walls/floor: works by Fehn Foss; in the centre: Sola(r)stalgia, cotton cyanotype, sarah koekkoek).

Sola(r)stalgia (as part of SOLARITY), cotton cyanotype, sarah koekkoek

In the foreground: Sola(r)stalgia, cotton cyanotype, sarah koekkoek